
Valderredible opens to the World.

We leave the fields of Castilla Burgos behind and enter the green lands of Cantabria. The landscape changes colors, textures, history. At a bend in the wide road that leads to Santander, we turn off towards El Valle Encantado. Here you see intact natural beauty, so difficult to find in the crowded life of our cities. This is the mission of Celia Tejada, an entrepreneur who left her town, Ruerrero, very young, to forge a path of strength and talent in San Francisco, a city in which she has achieved great personal and professional achievements. But her heart has always returned to Valderredible, where she founded the Hotel Molino Tejada, the spearhead of a project that defines it: offering its Valley to all and honoring the memory of those who lived and inhabited it, people who have spoken to us since the impressive photos from the book INMORTALES, a unique document that pays tribute to the elders of Valderedible, all of them titans with rough faces and powerful looks, faces that go far beyond the skin and reveal an unwavering will. "In the United States I bought my first Nikon, I took a photography course at Berkeley and every summer I returned to my Valley and shot more than 40 rolls. In 1985, when Teófilo, Ruerrero's blacksmith died, and with him part of our history and that lively look that I enjoyed so much in my childhood, was when this book began to take shape. But it came true many years later, in 2017, when the photographer Nathan DeHart arrived at Valderedible and we decided to capture through his wonderful lense all elders of the Valley. The following year we wove the narrative of their lives, of the stories that make up INMORTALES, a book that retells the stories of the lives of those who are no longer there and shares their wonderful message for a better future.